Welcome to the Highland Park High School, Michigan, concert choir web site devoted to the Keith Sturdevant years, 1954-1969.
In this site you will find important announcements made as the project developed, correspondences, photos of our choirs, photos of individuals, old programs from our concerts, as well as music clips from our concerts. I suggest you start with the announcement section, as
it will explain how this project got started. Did you know that in 2008 we made our international debut on CBC radio,
the Canadian Broadcast Company, and that our music is now being housed in libraries across the United States and around the world? Please send photos, music, programs, memories, comments, etc., to Dr. Clifford Larkins. Four of the five CDs produced by Dr. Larkins and Mr. Sturdevant were given free to former concert choir members (1954-1969), while they lasted. CDs are no longer available, but if you are interested in a particular song or songs, please click on the contact button and contact Dr. Larkins about attaining a copy. The links above will take you to pages full of information, photos, music, and memories of the "Magic Moments" we shared together. Please enjoy!